If silver and somewhat shiny and found at an estate sale, I'm gonna snatch it up in my greedy little hands before anyone else notices.
Found these

AFTER I spray painted gold jar lids in coordinating colors for my button jars.
Way to get in the white metal trend of the last 15 years, Ball.
Please to enjoy, a study in anal retentive organization.
And an excuse to use my new/old label maker.
Good times in the Skitzo Leezra world.
1 comment:
"Button, Button, Who's got the button?" Leezra does, that's who! I love old buttons and once bought a jar full at an antique store. Containers are good. I had a small collection of blue jars with different styles of lids. They went in the Salvation Army giveaway when I left Santa Fe. I covet your label maker.
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