I picked up a couple things, in LONDON, THIRTY YEARS ago so let's just get that little nasty bit of snobbery out of the way. Sigh.
Oh, crap, forgot take photo of my English souvenirs. Karma getting me back for my arrogance.
My buddy Ernest was on a Paul Smith kick several years ago. Y'know, this look that was copied over and over again?

One day I see Ernest when what did I spy with my little eye but a pretty floral necktie.

I asked "who" he was wearing. Paul Smith.
It doesn't look like Paul Smith,
I say, as if I know more about men's fashion than Ernest, who attends fabric and fashion shows in Europe and is a buyer for a major luxury department store corporation.
It reminds me of Liberty of London, I tell him.
He patiently tells me that it is Liberty of London fabric but designed by Paul Smith.
Anywho, last week I went to Target for something else but couldn't help but to be impressed with the Liberty of London offerings. I mean, the coordination of merchandise from clothing to stationery to office organizing bins was too tempting.
Trying to fight my t-shirt and tailored inner voice, I picked up a ruffled blouse. Ruffles? Yep. I don't even like the potato chips by that name. Last time I wore ruffles was on a Gunne Sax dress and I wasn't real happy about it then.
Alright, alright, here's the blouse. You're right, the pond scum green called to me.
Except that it was hung backwards.
I liked the simple ruffle look.
This is the front.
With a cute fabric covered button and keyhole opening.
Got it home and tried it. So not me. Too ruffle-y. Not loving the sleeveless look with ruffles. Fabric where I don't want it, no fabric where I do want it. HOWEVER, thinking of making a summer blouse with a touch of femininity and getting out of the t-shirt rut.
Returned the blouse and came home with these.

1 comment:
I haven't gotten any of the liberty of london stuff at Target yet (even though i am obsessed with Liberty fabric and buy it, intending to make things with it, and then never do because I am afraid to cut into it because it was too expensive. Yes, I know, I have a problem).
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