Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tote bag recycle

Do you know what a chair back pocket is? It is sewn like a slipcover with pockets for school kids to store items at their desk.
Because next year's class doesn't use them, this kid's mom gave me his chair back pocket to disassemble for craft fabric but, instead, I recycled it into a tote bag. His name was already embroidered on it, so why not a sturdy heavy weight tote?
  • I sewed the open bottom closed and cut the top to form a bag.
  • Red bias tape applied to top cut edge.
  • Two plaid neckties were zigzagged and straight stitched for stability and reinforcement then stitched to bag for double straps.
Yay! A bag for transporting library books and such.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A chance to win a free amy butler pattern at Created by Chancy. Love your blog posts. Always something creative. B.