- I found a super easy tutorial for drawing light sabers HERE at DragoArt.
- Traced the light beam onto a smaller paper backed piece of WonderUnder
- Ironed the WonderUnder to reverse side of green cotton and yellow silk fabric scraps.
- Traced light saber hilt separately onto that cool reflective fabric sample from Ernest.
- Ironed fusible to fabrics.
- Carefully trimmed fabric, using the previously traced lines.
- Peeled off paper backing from fused fabric.
- Ironed the 2 part light saber to shirts.
- Machine stitched the light saber beam in matching thread.
- Also on sewing machine, outlined the saber hilt with black thread for a subtle detail.
Heck, at this point,
I'm just hoping
the light sabers aren't
mistaken for dildoes.
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