Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cabinet knob job

Cabinet knobs are like jewelry.
Cheap out and your whole outfit suffers.
Go over the top and it's too much.
Go too literal and you look like a costume.
Now multiply the look by 50 and there is not one cabinet knob in the world I want to see day in and day out. My home had inexpensive white porcelain knobs and I've been in the market for replacements for awhile now but unable to find what I want at the right price X 50.
Eh, I'll just mix what I like. (My buddies Elizabeth and Chrysanthemum are the best pals to pick up onesie knobs in their travels.)
Found a few in my stash and began trading them out. Craft inspiration came to me as I gazed upon my craft supplies left on the kitchen counter from the night before . . . wonder if I can apply embossing powder to a ceramic or porcelain knob?
The short answer: yes.
  • Stamp or draw image onto knob with embossing pen or pad.
  • Sprinkle with embossing powder.
  • Fire up the heat gun.
  • Be happy the porcelain knob didn't shatter into pieces because you know damn well you aren't wearing safety glasses.

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