Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Girl, I like your skirt

While Crysanthemum and I "pirooted" through the goods at the salvage store, I picked up a cute and colorful skirt. Chrysanthemum kinda snorted and said, "I think the size 16 refers to a girl's size, not misses."

And while I've lost a few pounds, I am not so delusional to think myself to have a pre-pubescent waist. No, instead I already had in a revamp in mind.
Take a look.

Measure your non-size 16 waist and match it to a corresponding width of the skirt. Chop off the fabric above the measurement. OR~~~ forget the measuring part and guess like I did. See if you can shimmy the pre-junior skirt over your very womanly hips.
Check out my posts on foldover elastic. It is sewn with a stretch zigzag stitch on Angry Chicken's blog.

You can change it up by zigzagging only on the interior of the skirt waist and top stitching the outside for a neater appearance.

Get yourself to the girl's department and see what you can find.

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