I'm not gonna lie, I had a fake Kate Spade bag back in the day and quickly learned it was not only inexpensive but cheap. Once you see your brand of trickeration everywhere, it's no longer a bargain.
Mix the faux with quality shoes and jewelry and the ruse might just work. However, a teenager with bargain store shoes, who has never visited a major city but carries a "$1200" Louis Vuitton handbag . . . yeah, it was probably purchased from a car trunk and not a LV boutique.
A few years ago, Louis Vuitton offered a Stephen Sprouse inspired graffiti print.
Well, y'know people give me stuff and last week, my friend Ann offered me her Canal Street fake Louis. While I intended paint text, a cake stencil screamed at me from the paint drawer.
Can you have your cake and eat it too?
As in, can you buy a fake and make everyone else believe it's real?
I think not.
Not when everyone else is in on the secret.

Shut up the shuttin' up, cake hole.