multiple personalities = multiple craft projects. What the hell is she gonna make today?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Another (cute) organizer
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Office furniture for the home
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Teach yourself how to embroider

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Water bottle sling made from 2 neckties
Stitch a square base. I cut a square shape from a hard plastic expired gift card and inserted between the two ties to stabilize the base.
Straight stitch the 2 open sides. You won't be able to stitch all the way down the base so start a 1/4" from the bottom and stitch toward the broad tie points.
Here is photo after 1 side stitched. See those 2 interior flaps? Great place to stash sutff like cash or credit cards! Straight pins were slipping on the silk I used these paper binder clips.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A fabric store ha-ha
Mallys goes to Jo-Ann Fabric on Sunday for on-sale flannel. ($2.00/yd for solid. $2.99/yd for print.)
Mallys is bored. This always spells trouble--and garish clothing creations--in a fabric store.
Mallys selects a pajama pattern ($1.99 on sale). Mallys selects bright (no, I mean BRIGHT) orange flannel for pajama pants, to go with the bright orange flannel she's selected for a pajama shirt. Bright orange, with skulls and checkered flags, deeper orange flames, and almost-red lettering, reading "Bad to the Bone."
Mallys gets to the cutting counter and requests a yard of this, a couple yards of that, etc.
The Jo-Ann employees are chatty. Annoyingly chatty. I think it's in the employee handbook that they're required to ask you what you're making and to comment on how "cute" or how "pretty" it will be.
Not lying.
I heard her say to a woman who was purchasing yards of **JOHN DEERE TRACTOR PRINT FLEECE**, "Oh, that will be really pretty. That will be really cute."
Jo-Ann Employee: What are you making?
Mallys, dreading: Just some pajamas.
JAE: Oh, those will be really cute. Really cute. Like for a 9-12 year old boy, these would be great. What age are you making these pajamas for?
Mallys: The bored 39-year-old standing right in front of you.
JAE: Oh. Oh. Uh. . . . Oh. Uh. . . . Those will be really cute.
Last night, I sewed cat-print pajama shorts. I wish I could say they helped me sleep better. They helped me sleep funnier.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Onesies for Baby BooBoo
Iron-on frog pattern from Dimensional Craft's Savvy Stitches kit called "Fun Things" with couched thread outline.
Monkey image from the same kit, above.
Sleeve detail with my favorite and super easy embellishment.
Run 1 strand of floss under the hem stitches
for a cute serpentine or almost rick-rack effect.
My first attempt at freezer paper stenciling. SO easy! And fun!
Fleur-de-lis stencil from same freezer paper stencil technique.
Sponged on with terra cotta color and topped with gold glittery paint.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Reverse applique tutorial
I used a modified zig-zag stitch.
Trim fabric from back of image.
Trim fabric from top. Use small scissor,
cut carefully and SLOWLY!
Spritz the pen markings to remove blue lines.
It will look even better after laundering
because the knit edges will roll back.
T-shirt knit fabric would give more stretch
than the appliqued gingham.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Stitch it
Go to this handy online cross stitch caption maker for a freebie chart and stitch yours now.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
An angry letter to Wright's

Practically every time I purchase bias tape, I ask a clerk to explain the difference between the choices and most of the time I get home to unwrap the sealed package to find that the clerk was wrong. So I had HAD IT and fired off this missive to customer service representative at
Dear marketing or packaging dept.:You must hate your customers.
Otherwise, why would you package your items with no explanation or graphic demonstrating the difference between double fold and single fold bias tape?
Why would your packaging feature an aging female wearing an unattractive blouse with no correlation to the enclosed product?
Does the blouse feature bias tape? No.
Does the old lady blouse have piping? Not that I can see.
Does the withering woman's top show lace? Nope.
Does the doddering dowager have hem facing on that tired rag?
What the heck, people?
Your inserts provide no further information.
Do you assume that your customers KNOW how to sew? Assume they don't.
How would a new sewing enthusiast know what hem facing is? Your package imparts nothing for explanation. There is an impressive underground growth of women out there that are teaching themselves to sew and your product is not an asset to learning.
And if you can believe it, the nice folks at Wright's responded.
Thank you for your comments and concerns. I will pass your suggestions along to the correct department where I am sure they will take it under advisement. If we can be of further assistance please feel free to contact us any time.
It was a generic response but and I almost felt bad that unloaded on them. Almost.
Their packaging is still retarded.
Friday, April 3, 2009
How to do custom for cheap