multiple personalities = multiple craft projects. What the hell is she gonna make today?
At work, looking for an envelope in the office supply closet, instead found Kleenex boxes on three different shelves (horrors!) and 4 opened boxes of rubberbands. Oooh, it gave me a case of the monkey nerves. Scratch, scratch.
The next thing you know, stuff is spread all over the floor to be organized and realigned. Like goes with like. (Found these clear plastic boxes at Office Depot.)
Sigh, I am happy now.
Did not realize that I needed purchased bias tape for underarm seam so made my very own!
Flipped pattern back panel to match yellow tone stripe in center.
WooHoo! A neat hand towel proudly displayed by Kay. She has the innate talent to accept my craft experiments, display them better than I would and make me covet the very thing I GAVE HER!